Saturday, 15 June 2013.
Second post for the day for a quick update! In Canada now, and leaving for Singapore in about 5 days time! So excited because I would be going with some of my classmates to do CIP work! It'll be really fun! But I am also really reluctant though, I can't bear to leave. Well, at least 2 of my brothers will be coming to SG for quite a while for holiday YAY! Watching some movies with my cousins in a few days time! I'm so excited! It costs like just about $6.15. ^.^ Hopefully when I return to SG, there's enough time to watch Monsters Inc University with Luisa and co.! Been planning for so loooooooong! Oh, and yeah its Yuzhe's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO. Okay bye!
I hate changes. Okay, I am just stating the obvious. I mean, who likes them, right? All my friends have changed, and so have I. I won't blame it on anyone, but I do wanna say that, it sucks. Honestly, I mean life sucks for me now. Even the ones who I'm technically close with just slowly drifts off, and I really don't bother pulling them back because I'm tired. I'm tired of always trying but the results always stays the same. I
can't do anything but to watch them slowly being pulled apart. I can't
pull them back, because if they wanted to stay, they would. I can only accept. Accept that my old friends have all gone their separate ways, accept that everyone changes, and we can't do anything about it. Accept that we are who we are, and that whatever have changed, it should be where it is right now. Aside from friendship, I also have relationship issues and I don't even want to go there. Back to the same road.
I mean, of course, I got hurt once, there should definitely be a second one. And yes, both sucked. I should've learnt my lesson, but I'm such a dumbass to fall into the same shithole again and now I'm hurt once again.And why? No idea. I'm just like every other girl who thought he's the one. It hurt, and I know I screwed things up. Guess I deserved this. But whatever. There's just so many things that I have been trying to keep inside because they're just too painful to be let out. And all I need is for someone to just hear me out, and tell me that everything is going to be okay. Maybe I am the problem. Everyone repels. Is this supposed to happen? Or is it simply just because its me? I hate this. Everything was perfect, till I started to change cliques, and then back again, and falling in love and all that crap. I wanna be a new person. One who doesn't get hurt too easily. One who is strong to fight for herself. One who is able to forget and let go instead of holding on. Life's like this. Even if sooner or later, I'll soon to be some loner who does not know what she's doing, I just have to remember that, there are many other bigger problems out there than what I am having now. :) SMILEWHILEWECAN. <3>3>